It's been a year since we started blogging! Yes, we started blogging last December 25, 2012! Our blog anniversary is the same day with Christmas! How cool is that? Our blog was technically born on May of 2007! But it was empty until we decided to try blogging last year! You might ask why our first blog post was published on September 15 last year, we scheduled the dates of our blog posts based on the real event dates. And if you're not yet pleased then we'll show you valid proofs below! Carry on and enjoy reading our blog recap! :3

As you can see on the picture above, we don't have any pageviews starting from May 2007 to November 2012. Check out the picture below and you'll find out that we started gaining viewers on the month of December last year! :D
Some popular celebrities shared our blog! Thank you so much! :D
We ranked 10 on TOP Blogs! Our only dream is to be in the first page of the blog rank site and we didn't expect our blog to be part of top 10! Over 125 countries have visited our blog and you can check it on our Flag Counter! We got our first Nuffnang advertisement and it was from Globe! It was a commercial of their campaign featuring a group of friends, it was indeed related to us! :D

As you can see on the picture above, we don't have any pageviews starting from May 2007 to November 2012. Check out the picture below and you'll find out that we started gaining viewers on the month of December last year! :D
We started from scratch and slowly gain from zero to 70,000 pageviews! :D
Some popular celebrities shared our blog! Thank you so much! :D
We ranked 10 on TOP Blogs! Our only dream is to be in the first page of the blog rank site and we didn't expect our blog to be part of top 10! Over 125 countries have visited our blog and you can check it on our Flag Counter! We got our first Nuffnang advertisement and it was from Globe! It was a commercial of their campaign featuring a group of friends, it was indeed related to us! :D

We only made a total of 55 blog posts in 1 year, not including this post! We hope to make more blog posts next year because we normally have 3 to 4 blog posts per month but we broke that record because this October we made 5 posts! There will be a time where we can make more than 10 blog posts per month! Just wait and we'll be there! Hahaha! Thank you so much for always following us and reading our random posts! Merry Christmas to all of you! ♥
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